“This is your challenge if you choose to accept it.”

Subject 2 Change and Road Tripping with Juan would like to see if this THING is on…SOCIAL NETWORKING!

We will be giving away free t-shirts and bags at various locations around Durham on Friday, July 8th 2011

We’re going to do this each week for the remainder of July. We shall deem it “Bull City Road Trip Challenge”

Here are the rules!

**Once you receive a tweet and message from Subject 2 Change, you must then retweet it to your followers on Twitter or repost it to your friends on Facebook
**Then you must go to the specified location in the tweet or message to retrieve your shirt
**After you retrieve your item, we ask that you take a picture of it at the location and post it to your Twitter or Facebook page.

FINE PRINT: There are 12 items to give out at 4 locations. We will message you the locations at various times throughout the day…so be on the lookout!

If you receive a Road Tripping with Juan shirt or bag, you get a free photo shoot!

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